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Why Do We Put Education Behind a Pay Wall?


Look, education is a birthright, how else will you program people to be slaves?

QUOTE:- Bro spent 15 years studying just to “flip” Burgers lol!

20 prior I asked myself a question that, every computer related work can be done via internet, so why the Fuck should we commute to the office?

They didn’t answer, nor they gave two fucks

later the whole system is on the brink of collapse as they are firing multiple employees as they can’t pay them.

Education nowadays is nothing less than getting drafted for World War 2. All of you shall be wounded and crippled for life unable to do ANYTHING except whining, at war physically and at education, mentally and spiritually.

Some of you, however, shall be converted into Idols for the Slaves to be like only to realize, “whoopsie! No one can possibly be like THAT!”

The Costs of an Obsolete, Corrupt, and Truly Stupid System

Explicitly, we spend $671 billion dollars on our higher education system ($764 billion on K-12) per year. These numbers are approx, not precise either.

85% of this money is outright wasted on degrees that have no employability factually. And unless your skill or trade requires a physical lab or hands on instruction (trades, engineering, physics, etc) worthwhile degrees such as computer programming, actuarial science, accounting, etc., can all be learned online or through self study. Again, however preference will be give to students from UNI mostly.

While it would require looking up data on the NCES (National Center for Educational Statistics), we can safely assume nearly 90% of this $671 billion is simply wasted money (and an argument can be made that with homeschooling, self-study, and the internet a significant chunk of the $764 billion in K-12 is wasted as well). Ofcourse then our teachers won’t have jobs because recorded lectures are far better than live teaching lol!

In other words, in using a system that allows people to self study from the comforts of their own homes, we could save about $600 billion every year (more if you consider K-12). But we won’t!

To put this into context and to show you just what a tremendous waste this has been, 25 million Indian children are born every year. If we just gave them this money it would be $175,000 per student, more if we were to allow students to self-study out of the K-12 system. And though the average home in the In India goes for about $400,000, a ball park $200,000 per child would not only guarantee some basic level of housing, it would guarantee housing for a lifetime (and don’t even get me started if we put that money into the S&P 500 at the time of their birth and let compound growth do its magic). Honestly, this flawed system despite such an amazing Bureaucracy and government has managed to continue is just astounding.

This is not an argument to defund education and instead give everyone in India a house (though it would ABSOLUTELY be a better use of the money). But it is to show you just how much money we are wasting on an obsolete and outdated system putting education behind a paywall. Not to mention just how much more we could do if we spent this money more intelligently. Not to mention that’s OUR money and not the goverment’s. Aka, they should use it in the right way instead of lining their pockets!

What is arguably worse, however, is the non-financial costs we pay using this outdated education system. The fact we force children to attend school for 13 years AND THEY STILL DON’T HAVE AN EMPLOYABLE SKILL, is bordering on a human rights violation. It is honestly nothing more than a waste of life. It is sin that the parents proudly commit, by chomping down 16 years of life from a human being.

The fact we require 4–8 more years of education on top of that is simple robbery and stupidity. Moreover, all those who try to defend with the statement, “Education is essential for employment” are just pure dickheads who rob you in broad daylight!

And the fact most jobs that require a college degree could be done with an 8th grade education, means nearly half of these children’s’ lives have been wasted. If these kids were (perhaps) equipped with an employable skill at 16, allowing them to work instead of waste even more time in high school and college, a generation (assumed to be 20 years of births) could amass an additional $17 trillion in added economic production. This sounds like a huge number, but the potential is so much more!

QUOTE:- And I asked them, “what is its significance ma’am?”, Only to be met with hostile behavior and insults

Production that would enrich them rather than impoverish them (like student loans/college do today), and production that would eliminate nearly all of our economic problems and shoot up the economy towards the sky!

And this says nothing about the psychological benefits that would come with not having your entire childhood wasted in government buildings or your entire financial life crippled by student loans for Crap degrees that the university poops every year.

All this is done for the same job which can be done by a 16 year old too. What’s the point in studying 6 years (after 10 year on school) just to flip burgers or to get employed as a watchman?

Isn’t this pure, visible and insane madness.

Everyone works their ass off for that A+ not learning ANYTHING valuable but just momentary topics. Everyone hails the topper like someone of the HIGHEST value even though all they did was put the whole book in their ASS!

Later the kids are told that, “kids who score less can’t succeed in life.”, this rant goes on for 10 years straight and then, thud! (Ambulance sirens)

Imagine the pain of the child for a second.

We are not only losing money but our brothers and sisters in this war too. When we realize it was all a scam, too late!


