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How to know if a girl’s not into you.


This was like one of the most requested topics to write an article on because some of you don’t understand when to stop.

Look, girls for the sake of being nice will never say to your face, “fuck off”, which is why some guys peruse her through Instagram and WhatsApp just to get her attention. They have this false perception that the girl likes him just because she is being nice to her. For the sake of acting nice, they will never say that to your face, but they simply don’t like you and don’t want you to be around them.

Here are 5 subtle signs which she may show indicating that she is NOT into you and is only being polite for the sake of it.

1. Her thoughts don’t align with your ambitions.

A woman is meant to help a man with his purpose and mission. If a woman is not agreeing to your ambitions and purpose, that shows lack of affection for you. If she makes backhanded comments about your dreams and endeavors. Often making a joke about it. This will drain your much need mental energy because you will sit there thinking, “why she said such things?”. If a woman is Actually attracted to you, she WILL be aligned to your missions and purpose and would rather aid you in achieving your goals, instead of pulling you down.

2. She Ghosts you.

Ghosting means she would take a long time before answering or would just not answer. It is one of the most common ways she will show that she is not interested in you, and she is being nice just for the sake of it. If she replies to your text 2–3 days late, just stop simping for her my friend!

3. She simply refuses to show up on dates.

You guys can have a date preplanned and at the last moment, “sorry, I have to go some works today, do you mind meeting up next week?”, and you go “yeah, it’s okay I get it!”, feeling sad because she ditched you. Next week, the same happens and it goes on for a while. Bro understands that she is not into you, so stop trying!

4. She talks about her Ex.

Now that is a big “red flag” in relationships. It means that she is not yet over her ex and maybe her ex was better that you (why the hell would she talk about her ex in front of you if you were better, common sense duh!)

5. She mocks you and insults you Infront of everyone.

Now that’s another classic, I had an obese friend who was constantly around girls, they just used him as a subject for mockery and joke and the weird part was, he didn’t mind being disrespected again and again. It just made me feel sorry for him, because he didn’t know when to stop.

6. She doesn’t care about what you have to say.

When sitting I groups, she just doesn’t care about what you are saying. She would talk whilst you speak and would make faces to signify that she is bored. Look, if you content is boring then yeah, of course no one will listen but if she is actually into you, she will give her valuable attention to your words.

These were some few subtle signs which may help you understand when to stop,

Love you all

